Moses is in the middle of a massive download this week. Up on Mount Sinai, the Israelites’ liberation leader is getting the second package of laws that will govern the people’s religious culture until this day.
The download started last week with Parashat Yitro, centered on the Ten Commandments. It picks up speed this week with Parashat Mishpatim, in which God instructs the descendants of Jacob with a range of laws – mishpatim – covering everything from ritual observance to operation of the court system. The part Noah and I are focusing on
deals with equal justice for all, whether poor or rich, Israelite or non-Israelite.
What’s interesting is that God warns judges not to show favoritism toward poor people just because they are needy. Isn’t the problem the other way around – rich people getting a better deal in the courts? Yes, but … fair dealing and truth matter, and then integrity of the legal system may ultimately depend on not discriminating based
on economic status in either direction.
Let’s chew on that in our Torah discussion this Saturday morning. Shabbat shalom!
– Reb Dovid