Upcoming Events - South Jersey and Beyond
LGBT Aging with Pride
February 11th, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The only group of its kind in South Jersey, this monthly program offers a welcoming atmosphere for LGBT older adults to share their experiences, build relationships, and discuss issues like discrimination and social isolation. All are
welcome but advance RSVP is required by contacting Reva Farenback-Brateman at 856-424-1333 ext. 1184 or rfbrateman@jfedsnj.org.
Sponsored by Timothy Rice Estate and Elder Law.
Middle East Institute
February 13th at 11:00 AM
The Middle East Institute is an annual conference designed to educate the community and foster understanding about current topics relevant to Israel and the Middle East through experts with varying perspectives and backgrounds. It is the
Jewish Community Relations Council annual showcase event and fundraiser which provides the necessary funding for our Israel Advocacy Initiative, Understanding Israel program, Teen Training programs and our Israel Educational Forum.
Home Demolitions in Jerusalem - Causes & Context, Human Impact & the Role of Local and International Advocacy in Challenging the Practice
Next session: Sunday, February 13th, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
A three-part Zoom teach-in to inform and prepare Jewish communal leaders and synagogue members to more deeply understand and engage in advocacy to challenge home demolitions. Each session will include a presentation, Q & A, and an invitation to join ongoing efforts to stop home demolitions in Al-Walaja, a Palestinian agricultural village on the southern edge of Jerusalem.
Reconstructing Judaism has shared a full document of information pertaining to this web series that can be made available to any who are interested. Please send a message to info@nafshenu.org if you would like it sent to you, or register for the webinar series by clicking on the link above.
Project Rainbow Teen Group
February 14th, 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm
A safe, affirming, and fun monthly gathering for LGBTQ+ teens and their allies. Free and open to teens in
grades 9 – 12! To learn more or to RSVP, contact Gaby Marantz: gmarantz@jfedsnj.org.
Project Rainbow is a collaboration of JFCS and the Katz JCC, with grant funding by the Camden County Board of Commissioners.
Evolve Conversation: "Transforming Our Unjust World & Personal Teshuvah: Considering Reparations for Slavery"
February 14th, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Rabbi Jacob Staub will engage in a conversation with Mark Pinsky, based on his Evolve essay, "Transforming Our Unjust World and Personal Teshuvah: Considering Reparations for Slavery." Pinsky is a member of the Board of Trustees of Reconstructing Judaism and is
collaborating with its Tikkun Olam Commission to initiate a process to explore the best way to bring a recommendation about reparations before the Board of Trustees for consideration. Participants in the web conversation are invited to make comments and ask questions.
The Masked Writer: Persona Poetry as Modern Midrash
February 16th, 23rd, & March 2nd, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Join feminist Torah scholar and creative writing professor Sivan Rotholz for a midrash masquerade. In this three-part series, we will take a deep dive into biblical stories and the questions they give rise to, exploring how donning the veil of persona poetry
(writing in the voice of characters) can breathe new life into ancient texts. Part text study, part craft workshop, part generative creative writing space...
Navigating the Disability Continuum: Disability and Financial Planning
March 9th, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
This program will address:
- Qualifying for and maintaining government benefits
- Guardianship, power of attorney, selecting an attorney, and letters of intent
- and more - click here!
Guest speaker Michael Byrne: In addition to being a chartered financial consultant with Lighthouse Planning Consultants, Michael is the parent and sibling of individuals with disabilities and has been featured In “Money” Magazine.
If you are involved with any events or programming in the wider
community that you would like to promote via Nafshenu's email list, please reach out to info@nafshenu.org.