From the desk of the
What a difference a week makes. In last Shabbat’s Torah portion (Ki Tisa), the Israelites panic at Moses’ long absence on Mount Sinai and demand that Aaron find them a new leader to lead the way for them. This leads to the making of the Golden Calf, an act of idolatry that brings down the
anger of God and Moses on them. This Shabbat’s Torah reading (Vayak’hel) tells of the Israelites swinging in the opposite direction. Moses asks for donations of gold, silver and other valuables to build the Tabernacle. They give so much that Moses has to shout out: Stop!
What accounts for the mood change? Rabbi Ellen Lippman compared the Israelites to teenagers, who are having trouble managing their newfound freedom. Another idea – it’s the women leading this time. We will be looking at the two stories at Thursday night’s Torah study and, from a fresh angle,
at Saturday morning’s service and Torah talk.
- student Rabbi David Goodman