This is a sad and troubling time for our world, our country and the Jewish people. The Russian tanks and soldiers invading Ukraine today echo the Russian
Empire’s conquest of Ukraine in the 18th century, which brought the vast majority of the world’s Jews under the oppressive rule of the tsars.
Most American Jews trace their roots to the former Russian Empire. Discrimination and poverty led millions of people – like my father’s parents – to come to America. Now, after a mere three decades of independence, Ukraine once again finds itself under Russian boots.
As Americans and as Jews, we can pray for the lives and safety of all Ukrainians, including its 100,000+ Jews. And we can pray that our government and others nations take effective steps toward restoring peace and freedom in the lands that were the center of Jewish life for centuries.
We will have the Ukrainian people in our hearts and prayers at Nafshenu’s Shabbat service Saturday morning, when we ask the Source of All who makes peace in the heavens to make peace for our people – and for all peoples of the earth. Please join us - click here to register and receive the Zoom link.
Tonight, we’ll be gathering to study this week’s Torah portion, Vayak’hel, and we will open with prayers for the safety of those caught up in this war. Please register to
join us on Zoom - click here.
- Student Rabbi David Goodman