This is an exciting moment for me. It’s the first time I get a chance to write to you as a rabbi! Ten days ago, I and five of my friends took part in a graduation ceremony for the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. For me, it marked the final step in a seven-year program of study to become a Jewish religious leader. I am so grateful for all those who helped and encouraged me along the way – not least the members of the Nafshenu Community who were on hand in person or watching the video stream that day.
It's an honor
to continue with this South Jersey Jewish community as Nafshenu’s rabbi. And there is a lot ahead for us, beginning with this Thursday’s Torah study and continuing with our joint Shavuot-Pentecost celebration with our longtime hosts at Prince of Peace Church on Sunday morning. Then, one week from Sunday, Nafshenu has its World Refugee Day Program with a screening of the documentary film
Nobody Wants Us, with an introduction and discussion led by its Emmy-nominated director, Laura Seltzer-Duny.
Look for
details and links in tomorrow’s Nafshenu Newsletter. I hope to see you all soon!
In peace, Rabbi David Goodman (“Reb Dovid”)