Happy spring, my Nafshenu
I hope that everyone’s Passover has been enjoyable and that the sometimes crazy-making preparation hasn’t been too … crazy. I look forward to seeing many of you on Friday evening for our special Earth Day Passover Seder, under
the tents in the (fingers-crossed) warmth of spring on the grounds of Prince of Peace Church in Marlton. Though the registration deadline has passed, THERE’S STILL ROOM for anyone who wants to attend. No one will be turned away. The best bet is to call, text or message me to let us know you want to join us: (248) 508-0874 or rebdovid@nafshenu.org.
I’m excited to announce another step in Nafshenu’s return to in-person gatherings as a result of easing Covid-19 guidelines. Next week’s Thursday night Torah Discussion (April 28) will be in-person/hybrid. We’ll be at a member’s home (location still TBD), but please sign up and we’ll keep you posted. There will be refreshments. If you are interested in hosting (next week, or in the future) at your home, please reply to this email to let me know. You also can Zoom in as usual. We’ll be talking the Torah portion from Leviticus (Chapters 19-20) called Kedoshim, which includes laws for feeding the poor,
treating strangers and refugees fairly, and honoring one’s parents. We’ll also be marking Yom Hashoah/Holocaust Memorial Day with a special kaddish in memory of those killed in that genocide.
We’re getting together again in person and on Zoom for a Shabbat service on Saturday, April 30. Look for news on a
possible location update – but please go ahead and register now.
Hope to see you soon!
--Student rabbi David Goodman