Giving the Land a Rest
One of the perks of being a college professor is
getting a paid sabbatical, typically a year off after seven years of work. At Thursday’s weekly Torah study, we’ll look at the Torah portion called Behar (Leviticus chapter 25), which talks about giving the land a sabbatical. God tells the Israelites that they should let their fields and grape arbors lie fallow every seven years. Not only that, but they should return any land they acquire to whomever they
bought it from. And they should help out any relative who falls on hard times.
Do these practices have any application to what
we could do – or should do – today? What are our best practices for healing the land and rescuing people from poverty?
We’ll be on Zoom 7-8 p.m. Thursday, and we hope
you will bring yourselves – and your opinions – to our weekly discussion, led by Reb Dovid.