Getting back to Nafshenu’s core values, a group of us turned out Sunday to assemble food boxes for needy families at the Jewish Relief Agency. Here are impressions of how it went: Sunday.
Human kindness is front-and-center in this week’s Torah portion (as it was last week, too). Just as Abraham showed his
kindness by feeding three wandering strangers and arguing against destroying Sodom in last week’s Va-yera,so Isaac’s future wife Rebecca shows her kindness by offering water and overnight hospitality to Abraham’s servant in this week’s portion Hayei Sarah. (Click the link see the full English/Hebrew
text.) We’ll talk about human kindness and food justice Thursday at our weekly Torah study. Please join us on Zoom for the 7-8pm class: Here’s a link:
Speaking of wandering, we’ll be holding this week’s Saturday morning services at the home of Deb Ferguson. Please be advised, Deb does have a cat and a dog. Please join us for prayer, song, kiddush and lunch. It starts at 9:30am. You can get the address by registering below or joins via zoom at
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