
Hanukkah is just around the corner. The first night of the Festival of Lights comes this Sunday, Dec. 18. That day, Nafshenu latke-makers will be hard at work cooking for the community’s fundraising Latke Sale. Please place your order, and tell Rachael (rachael@nafshenu.org) if you want to join the frying fun.

Dreams galore fill this week’s Torah reading, Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1-40-23). Joseph’s dreams of dominating his brothers so anger them that they sell him into slavery. But Joseph’s ability to interpret the dreams of his fellow prisoners later brings him to the attention of Pharaoh and catapults him into the No. 2 job in all Egypt. Please join our lively Torah study at 7-8pm this Thursday,
Dec. 15, on Zoom: https://bit.ly/NafTorah.
There’s a lot coming up later this month
at Nafshenu, including a Hanukkah-themed Zoom Torah study on Tuesday (instead of Thursday), Dec. 20, 7-8pm. We’ll look at the books of Maccabees – surprise, they aren’t in the Bible – as well as what Jewish sources have had to say about the Hanukkah story over the centuries. The link is the usual https://bit.ly/NafTorah. We’ll light Shabbat AND Hanukkah candles on Zoom on Friday, Dec. 23, 6-6:30pm, at the same Zoom link: https://bit.ly/NafTorah.
The day after Christmas, Nafshenu is shifting Justice Sunday to Monday, Dec. 26, so we can ease the workload of some of our Christian neighbors by volunteering for the Cathedral Kitchen food
assistance program. We’ll make sandwiches together, and then some of us will help distribute meals at the kitchen’s Camden site. Please email (rebdovid@nafshenu.org) or text (248-508-0874) me if you want to help out.