From Rabbi David’s Desk
Saturday musical service and potluck, 9:30am-1pm, Feb. 11, on Zoom at
Thursday Torah study: 6-8pm, Feb. 16, Zoom:
Friday kabbalat Shabbat and potluck, 6-8pm, Feb. 17, at Prince of Peace. Also on Zoom at
Spring is just six weeks away, and the big Jewish event of spring is approaching: Passover (sunset April 5-sunset April 12). Nafshenu’s Core Team is hard at work on our community Seder which will occur on April 6, 2023 (the second night of Passover), and
you won’t want to miss the fun, food and inspiration of our Festival of Freedom. Please watch your email for reservations and details.
And … you don’t have to wait until Passover to hear about the Exodus from Egypt and the hard work of turning a nation of ex-slaves into a free and independent people. The last few weeks’ Torah
readings have told of Moses’ demand for release of the Israelites, Pharaoh’s resistance, the Ten Plagues, and the final hurried escape. In last week’s portion, the Israelites dodge repeated dangers – Pharaoh’s attacking army at the Sea of Reeds, hunger and thirst in the Sinai desert, and an attack by an Amalekite army. This week (Parashat Yitro, Exodus 18:1-20:23) brings a break in the action as the people
reach the home of Moses’ father-in-law, Yitro. Then comes the beginning of the lawgiving at Mount Sinai and the receipt of the core teaching – the Ten Commandments. All that in one week!
Please join us for our Saturday morning service on zoom at, 9:30am-1pm, Feb. 11.
This week, it was my turn
to contribute the Torah column for the Jewish Community Voice of South Jersey. My column looks at the importance of a functional and fair justice system. Here’s a link to what I wrote: