Larry, Debbie and family will be sitting shiva at their home. A shiva minyan is planned for 7pm Thursday.
Here is a link to the funeral and shiva: https://bitly/NafDavidO. Here is a link to David’s obituary: (Because of the service Thursday night, we are cancelling the week’s Torah study.) Please help bring comfort to Larry and Debbie, their children Aaron and Danielle, and the rest of the Ottenberg family. Contact Nafshenu President Rachael Blumer to help with food for the family.
While we are skipping this week’s Thursday Torah study, I’ve put
together a source sheet on the portion of the week, T’tzaveh, which continues God’s instructions for the Tabernacle. You can look at it here:
It’s PURIM PARTY time at Nafshenu. Join the fun on Monday evening (March 6), 6-8pm, at
Prince of Peace. Come costumed and you could win a prize for the best children’s or adult outfit. Eat hamantaschen and hamantaschen-shaped pizza! Make lots of noise as we tell the story of Esther and Mordechai’s defeat of the plot of the evil Haman.