If you are available, please come out tomorrow for a
Nafshenu service and kiddush/lunch at the home of Larry and Debbie Ottenberg. It's Saturday morning, starting 9:30am, with the meal at noon.
Larry and I are reaching the one-year mark since the loss of our fathers, David Ottenberg and Bernie Goodman. We want to honor their memory with a special Shabbat gathering. I'm sponsoring lunch,
with a fish plate, bagels, salads and drinks.
If you can't be there in person, we'll be on Zoom as well and can use help with a minyan for the mourner's kaddish. We'll say kaddish twice -- once at 10am and again at 11:30am.
I'll also be
announcing a rabbinic scholarship and internship in memory of my mom and dad. Larry and I will have some words about our dads.
If you can only be there for part of the service, come "late" -- or show up in time for lunch!
The Ottenbergs live at 236 Sequoia Road in Cherry Hill. The link for Zoomers is
Shabbat Shalom! --Rabbi David Goodman
This week's Torah reading is from Exodus 27:20-30:10. Parashat T'tzaveh talks about the installation of Moses' brother Aaron and his sons as the Israelites' first priests. It's interesting to look at how the Torah describes the inauguration of a new leader and how we do it in America. We'll read and talk about it.