Join Us for a Children's Kabbalat Shabbat and Potluck Dinner !
This month we want to spread the love through our children. As the school year progresses, we realize lives get busy. We realize our children have activities and sports and family events. And, as they get older, getting to services may not always be
the easiest thing to do. And that is OK!
However, moving forward, Nafshenu wants to find a way to accommodate these busy schedules and still have events for our children that we can share at least once a month. We are starting this plan with our first of many (we hope) children's services on Friday, February 9, 2024.
Join us on Friday, February 9 for a Kabbalat Shabbat service with a special program carved out by our own Karen Marinoff. Karen has put
together a wonderful children's program around Tu B'shvat which passed only a couple of weeks ago.
After our service, we ask you to stay for a potluck dinner. Please bring a dairy or parve side, entree, or desert to share with the community.
We look forward to seeing everyone at this wonderful service!