Save these dates for the holiday season at Nafshenu: - Saturday, Sept. 28, 9:30am: Shabbat morning and selichot service, with potluck lunch, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Marlton, NJ.
- Wednesday, Oct. 2, 6pm: Rosh Under the Big Top, picnic dinner and Erev Rosh Hashanah service under the tent at Prince of Peace, Marlton.
- Thursday, Oct. 3, 10am: Rosh Hashanah morning service in the social hall at Prince of Peace.
- Friday, Oct. 11, 6pm: Kol Nidre (Erev Yom Kippur) service, Prince of Peace.
- Saturday, Oct. 12, 9:30am: Yom Kippur morning service, Prince of Peace.
- Saturday, Oct. 12, 5:30pm: Yom Kippur Ne’ila service and potluck break fast, Prince of
- Saturday, Oct. 19, 11am: Sukkot service and “open sukkah” lunch at the home of Rabbi David and Pearl, 8220 Manor Road, Elkins Park, PA.
- Thursday, Oct. 24, 6:30pm: Simchat Torah service and party, Prince of Peace.