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From Rabbi David
First, a mea culpa: I gave the wrong portion when I announced this week's Torah study topic. We are actually reading parashat Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1). It includes the mysterious red heifer ritual that uses the ashes of a burned calf to purify someone from the "contamination" of contact with the dead.
The portion also features yet another rebellion against Moses and Aaron, this time over the lack of water. Again, some Israelites say they'd be better off if they'd stayed back in Egypt. God tells Moses to order a rock to produce water. Moses instead hits the rock, which begins to produce water.
But now God is angry with Moses and Aaron for resorting to force, rather than trusting in divine providence. Soon, God tells Aaron it is time for him to die for his lack of trust. Moses, too, will be held accountable and barred from entering the Promised Land.
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Tomorrow night: