Hi, this is Rabbi David wishing all of you a Shabbat shalom! Pearl and I are back from our visit to Israel, where we stayed with family and did volunteer work. We're eager to share our impressions with our Nafshenu friends.
It has been a while since Nafshenu held a service, and I didn't want to wait any longer. So Lisa Lichtman and I are trying to line up a place where we can meet this coming Friday, Feb. 21, for kabbalat Shabbat and a meal. I will update you once the location is set.
I am also excited to announce a test of a new approach to Nafshenu's weekly Torah study. Starting this coming Thursday, Feb. 20 (7-8pm) we'll have a 5-part series I call Bible 101. The classes will cover the basics of the Hebrew Scriptures: structure, content, and a sampling of the different
kinds of literature it contains. We'll also reference the weekly Torah portion.
The link for Torah study is the regular one: bit.ly/NafTorah
Blessings and good wishes to all of you!
--Rabbi David Goodman, 248-508-0874, rebdovid@nafshenu.org