Please join your Nafshenu friends this Friday evening for a short kabbalat Shabbat service and a potluck dinner. It’s our first gathering of 2025 and comes at a time of great change for our nation and world. Change is in the
air in this week’s Torah portion as well, with the final days of Jacob’s life, his blessings to his children, and – after many more years – the death of Joseph as well. Without giving too much away*, I want to suggest that we turn aside from paralyzing fear and doubt and look to blessings in our own future.
Sign up below and let us know if you can bring a
dish. I’m making macaroni and cheese, plus a salad.
Hope to see you there! – Rabbi David
*More to say in my short talk on Parashat Va-yechi. The full text of the portion, the last in Genesis, is at
*We are collecting MONEY and Paper Goods (paper towels, toilet paper, etc., for Prince of Peace's Food Pantry. Please bring a donation to
help them help the community. *