
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Nafshenu.

Important Schedule Update

Published: Wed, 07/28/21

View this email in your browser Schedule Update Nafshenu Community, We've looked at the calendar for the ne t few weeks and made some adjustments -…

Tisha B'Av - Learning Resources

Published: Sun, 07/18/21

View this email in your browser Tisha B'av - Learning Resources Today, on the 9th day of the month of Av, Jews around the world gather to study and…

Torah Study Update - Join us on Friday!

Published: Thu, 07/15/21

View this email in your browser Kabbalat Shabbat and Torah Study Change of plans! Torah Study will instead be held in-person (and virtually) tomorrow…

Bring a BFF to Bag Bingo!

Published: Mon, 06/28/21

View this email in your browser Bring a BFF to Designer Bag Bingo Get 1 free door prize ticket for each BFF! Bring a bestie to Nafshenu's Designer Bag…

Published: Tue, 06/22/21

View this email in your browser Weekly Torah Study - Thursday at 7:30 PM The link in our most recent email blast was incorrect - Click the button…

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