
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Nafshenu.

October at Nafshenu

Published: Fri, 10/08/21

View this email in your browser October at Nafshenu See what's going on this month in our bulletin - October at Nafshenu. Click the button below to…

This Saturday - Parshat Noach

Published: Tue, 10/05/21

View this email in your browser This Saturday - Shabbat Morning Services Click here to sign up for the potluck Please join Nafshenu in person (or on…

This Weekend with Nafshenu

Published: Thu, 09/30/21

View this email in your browser Thank you for your Feedback Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback regarding Nafshenu's possible decision to…

Big News! We need your feedback.

Published: Mon, 09/27/21

View this email in your browser Big News! Nafshenu is considering joining Reconstructing Judaism. Big News! Nafshenu's core team is considering…

Simchat Torah: Join us next Wednesday

Published: Thu, 09/23/21

View this email in your browser Ne t Week - Simchat Torah Click here to sign up for the potluck Each year, we come together as a community to re-start…

The Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Ottenberg

Published: Mon, 09/20/21

View this email in your browser This Week - The Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Ottenberg. Join us on Zoom! As a community, we join together to celebrate our…

Sukkot with Nafshenu - Join us this Wednesday

Published: Fri, 09/17/21

View this email in your browser Sukkot with Nafshenu - join us this Wednesday Join us under the Sukkah as we gather to sing, pray, wave the Lulav and…

Nafshenu's Annual Meeting - Please Register

Published: Sun, 09/12/21

View this email in your browser Nafshenu's Annual Meeting 2021/5782 Please register to receive the address/Zoom link Nafshenu Community, It’s clear to…

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