
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Nafshenu.

Nafshenu Newsletter - Parashat Terumah

Published: Tue, 02/01/22

View this email in your browser Nafshenu Newsletter - Parashat Terumah February 1, 2021 This month at Nafshenu, from student rabbi David Goodman First…

This Weekend - Shabbat Mishpatim

Published: Fri, 01/28/22

View this email in your browser This Weekend - Shabbat Mishpatim From the desk of student rabbi David Goodman: Moses is in the middle of a massive…

Nafshenu Newsletter - Parashat Mishpatim

Published: Mon, 01/24/22

View this email in your browser Nafshenu Newsletter - Parashat Mishpatim January 24, 2022 Mazel Tov to Brandon and the Price Family This past weekend,…

Shabbat Yitro - Register Today!

Published: Thu, 01/20/22

View this email in your browser This Weekend - Shabbat Yitro From the desk of student rabbi David Goodman: We have two virtual gatherings coming up…

Join Nafshenu in Israel this summer!

Published: Tue, 01/18/22

View this email in your browser Join Nafshenu in Israel This summer, join Nafshenu on a family-friendly trip to Israel! Confirmed Trip Dates: July 24…

Nafshenu Newsletter - Parashat Yitro

Published: Mon, 01/17/22

View this email in your browser Nafshenu Newsletter - Parashat Yitro From the desk of the Rabbi: January 17, 2022 What a great start we had this week…

We Stand with Congregation Beth Israel

Published: Sat, 01/15/22

View this email in your browser We Stand with Congregation Beth Israel Nafshenu Community, A hostage situation has been developing at Congregation…

February Book Club - New Meeting Date

Published: Thu, 01/13/22

View this email in your browser February Book Club with Nafshenu - New Meeting Date Scheduling Update - February Book Club will be held on Sunday,…

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