Published: Thu, 05/23/24
Richard Simon-Bierenbaum (1953-2024) FUNERAL: 10:30am Friday, May 24, Platt Memorial Chapels, 2001 Berlin Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 On Tuesday, our…
A mailing list to regularly send out updates about Nafshenu.
Published: Thu, 05/23/24
Richard Simon-Bierenbaum (1953-2024) FUNERAL: 10:30am Friday, May 24, Platt Memorial Chapels, 2001 Berlin Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 On Tuesday, our…
Published: Tue, 05/21/24
Updated: Tue, 05/21/24
Losses in Nafshenu community Our Nafshenu family has lost loved-ones, and we have a chance to offer comfort and support. Angela McGinty, mother of…
Published: Mon, 05/13/24
REMINDER: Nafshenu Zoom 7-8pm TONIGHT for Israel Memorial, Independence SILVER LINING on Israel's Independence weekThere's a ray…
Published: Sun, 05/12/24
LINK FOR NAFSHENU OBSERVANCE on MONDAY, MAY 13, 7-8pm: From Rabbi David Goodman Israelis observe back-to-back holidays this week…
Published: Thu, 04/25/24
Here's a link to the te ts we'll be discussing: TORAH STUDY: PAYING FOR ANCESTORS' SINS Image courtesy of from Rabbi…
Published: Thu, 04/25/24
TORAH STUDY: PAYING FOR ANCESTORS' SINS Image courtesy of from Rabbi David GoodmanPlease join Nafshenu's Thursday night Torah study for a…
Published: Fri, 04/19/24
Zooming into Shabbat and Passover Let's welcome in Shabbat and talk about the Passover holiday that starts Monday night. Zoom with Rabbi David 6-7pm…
Published: Thu, 04/18/24
join Friday to light candles, shmooze from Rabbi David We'll skip Torah study tonight, but please Zoom in between 6 and 7 pm tomorrow (Friday) to…
Published: Fri, 04/12/24
SHABBAT SHALOM, NAFSHENU FRIENDS from Rabbi David Please Zoom in tonight at 6pm ( to join together in welcoming in SHABBAT with candle…
Published: Thu, 04/11/24
join Friday to light candles, shmooze from Rabbi David We won't have Torah study tonight, but please Zoom in at 6pm tomorrow (Friday) to welcome in…